RPD Plate


Indications for RPD

Length of edentulous:RPD preferred for longer edentulous arches.

Abutment tooth : when there is no tooth posterior to the edentulous space to act an abutment, a RPD is preferred.

Periodontal support of remaining teeth: When It is poor RPD is preferred because it requires less support from the abutment teeth.

Cross arch stabilization : when a remaining teeth have to be stabilized against lateral and anterior posterior forces, a RPD is indicated.

Excessive bone loss: In RPD, the artificial tooth can be positioned as per the operators preferences and the denture base can be fabricated to provide required support and aesthetics.

Aesthetics: RPD provide better aesthetics because the denture base gives the appearance of a natural tooth arising from the gingiva.

Immediate tooth replacement after extraction

Emotional Problems: The appointment for removable partial denture is shorter and less demanding to patien.